Antique Royal Vienna Porcelain Cabinet Plate Painting by Angelica Kauffman 1890

$ 975
$ 975
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A fine antique Austrian Royal Vienna handpainted & gilded porcelain cabinet plate, circa 1890.

To the center of the plate is a handpainted scene of Odysseus's wife Penelope being awakend by Odysseus's nurse Eurycleia, the scene taken from Homer's epic "The Odyssey". The decoration is after the 18th century painting by Angelica Kauffman. The border having six pink glazed panels finely decorated with raised gilding and punctuated with claret colored eliptical shaped gilded panels. 
The rear of the plate is titled in German "Penelope Eurycleia erwekend" (Penelope Awakend) and marked with the Royal Vienna underglaze blue 'beehive' mark.
Condition is excellent, this very fine Royal Vienna plate is ready to grace your space.


1.5 inches high × 10 inches wide × 10 inches deep


high × wide x deep

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